More drama surrounds unreleased Prince documentary

The New York Times Magazine ran a story about the documentary, which was directed by O.J. Made in America director Ezra Edelman for Netflix, claiming to have seen the film.

Earlier reports suggested Prince's estate was holding up the release of the doc because they had issues with content they deemed inaccurate. Now Prince's longtime lawyer, L. Londell McMillan, who the Times article claims strongly opposes the doc, has spoken out.

In a post on X, McMillan wrote, "Let me ask YOU, if you found out that someone didn't like you and/or hated how others loved you, would you trust them and let them make a major film story on your life, then you see the rough cuts mix facts with falsehood, speculation, omissions with opinions? GTHOH," an abbreviation for "get the hell out of here."

Meanwhile, in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Primary Wave Music and Prince Legacy, which own stakes in the singer's assets, say they're trying to resolve any issues in order to get the documentary out.